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We are grateful to our volunteers who give their time to ensure worship services run smoothly! You can view the most up-to-date volunteer schedule below.


If someone’s name is red on the schedule, they are looking for a replacement. If you are able to fill in for them, please contact them (or their parent for acolytes) and email Maureen any changes to the schedule.


If you would like to start volunteering, volunteer in another capacity, or step back from volunteering, please complete a "Serve with Love" survey (a pink sheet inserted into bulletins in March, June, September, and December and on a table in the narthex or online here).


Scheduling occurs quarterly (in December for March-May, in March for June-August, in June for September-November, and in September for December-February) and is emailed to volunteers at the beginning of every month.


If you are unable to serve on a day you are scheduled, please find a substitute and email Maureen any changes to the schedule.


If you know in advance that you are unavailable specific dates, please email Maureen the names and dates to prevent from being schedule.


Thank you for serving St. Paul's in this way!

Here are some files you may find useful:

Altar Care Ministry Description

Assisting Minister Ministry Description

Worship Audio Microphone Guide

Usher Ministry Description (Greeter/Usher Training Video)

Greeter Ministry Description

Coffee Fellowship Directions​

Lector Training Videos:  Part 1 and Part 2


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