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When you worship at St. Paul's, you almost always hear, "Thank You!" and some way in which you are blessing others through your giving. It's part of our faith journey to give grateful thanks for all the blessings we have received and to give some away so that God's work can be done locally and around the world. God doesn't bless us to hoard and keep it, but to give it away to bless others. Hence you can bring an offering to worship, mail in a gift or the easiest method, online giving. Clicking the link below you can give one time or setup automatic giving on any schedule you want. This makes giving easy and assures the generous lifestyle we desire to live happens regularly!
What does the Bible say about giving?1 Corinthians 9:6-8 reminds us of the blessings of giving when we give cheerfully. Proverbs 3:9 and Deuteronomy 18:4 encourage us to give first for God's work. (By the way, auto debit giving is an easy to make sure God's work is accomplished first in your budget!) Matthew 6:19-24 has instruction from Jesus about storing up heavenly treasure instead of earthly. Malachi 3:8-10 teaches how important the tithe (giving 10%) is and how God's blessings flow from our generosity. Matthew 25:14-30 is a parable (a short teaching story) that Jesus uses to remind us how important it is to use wisely what God has trusted to us. 1 Timothy 6:17-19 also reminds us to avoid materialism and focus on God's work.
How do I know my giving is well used?We take seriously the trust people have placed in the church so each year the budget is created in an open process where anyone can make suggestions. That budget is then reviewed and approved by the church council and forwarded to the entire congregation for their inspection, prayer and vote. In the end, it's the congregation's best discernment of how God wants us to use the funds with which we're entrusted. A fully transparent system of checks and balances with church council monthly reporting and quarterly congregational reporting assures proper use of those funds, including a complete audit each year.
I'd like to be more giving, but our finances just won't allow. Can you help?Absolutely! In the future we'd like to offer Financial Peace University, a video course by Dave Ramsey to help bless your finances. Two other excellent financial organizations are Crown Financial Ministries and Kingdom Advisors.
What if my circumstances change, can I change my giving?Definitely! God's plan is that 90% of our wealth meets the needs of our daily life and we dedicate 10% for God's use. Challenging times and blessings come and we need to make adjustments. If you are giving through online giving, you can use the links above to change your giving online or fill out a new form.
Is online giving safe?Yes! We use for online giving and they follow the industries highest security standards.
What happens to designated offerings?Designated offerings are used towards the ministry named! If a ministry for which a gift is given has been cancelled or oversubscribed we will be in contact about adjusting the cause to it's used most appropriately.
I'd like to arrange some legacy giving such as my will. Who can I speak with?When you've lived a life of giving, you realize there is also the opportunity to be a blessing even after you're in heaven! You're welcome to use the form at the bottom of the page to contact Pastor Stuart for some financial advisors who can be helpful.
Have more questions, who can I talk to?Pastor Stuart would be helpful in many ways and Cari Kramer, Parish Administrator can also help with any other questions you have about giving! Please use the form at the bottom of this page.
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